
Best Cloud Hosting Services Provider in India


We help you migrate and grow in the cloud


Gonna Solutions is a leader according to Gartner in the management of cloud hosting services in India. We specialize in deploying public and private cloud platforms in our infrastructure and in the cloud hosting of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, as well as in building hybrid cloud solutions that combine both environments. Our certifications accredit us as a reference cloud hosting provider in India.

Benefits of our cloud hosting 



Scalability and ease of migration in any environment

Payment for use

No initial investment in hardware and billing for resources


Hybrid cloud solutions and integration with network services

Types of cloud platforms


In the Gonna Solutions infrastructure


Public Cloud

Gonns Solutions public cloud platform is a redundant infrastructure based on VMware technology that offers computing resources and hosting in the cloud based on a multi-tenant model. It allows to host applications with low initial investment, being able to grow in resources in an agile way and paying only for what is used.

Virtual Data Center

Virtual Data Center (VDC) is the infrastructure solution as a service of Gonna Solutions. Awarded on numerous occasions, VDC offers, through a single control panel, a pool of self-provisionable resources to the user, allowing you to configure, deploy and shut down virtual servers according to your needs with a single click.

In the AWS infrastructure

Solutions on AWS

We are experts in the design, deployment, and management of complex Amazon cloud Web hosting solutions Services. We have a team with the highest certifications and experience in AWS solutions, as well as notable success stories.

Hybrid solutions


Hybrid cloud

Gonna Solutions hybrid cloud solutions combine services and cloud computing platforms of different nature to take full advantage of each one’s features. Designed by our team of Solutions Architects, hybrid solutions combine, for example, private cloud platforms with shared platforms, or any of these with services from IaaS providers such as Amazon Web Services, all built and managed by Gonna Solutions.

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