What is the Google cloud platform? Should use the Google cloud platform
Currently, the application of information technology to work online is essential for everyone, every business. One of the technology utility services that people believe to use is the Google cloud platform. Do you know what the Google cloud platform is? Should I use Google cloud platform? Let’s find out about this information via www.gonnasolutions.com below.
What is the Google cloud platform?
You can understand simply the Google cloud platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform service. The service allows users to set up and operate their applications on Google-built systems. The known Google cloud platform applications and popular usage priorities today are Google Maps, Google Apps, Youtube, Google Search, Chrome …
Google cloud platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform service
In addition to providing familiar services, GCP also differs from Cloud’s other service platforms. The most outstanding feature of the Google cloud platform service is its high-security features, which keep data safe and ensure to meet the most rigorous standards.
Should I use the Google cloud platform?
Referring to Google cloud platform services, we have no longer felt any distance, because I still use it every day. However, many people still wonder if they should use the Google cloud platform. Most people who have used or understood technology have used positive comments and commented on them. So what are the utilities that Google cloud platform brings? Why is it so appreciated?
Google cloud platform brings many great utilities
In Google cloud platform there is a great storage service that is Google Drive. This is the unit that stores documents and information, which are prioritized by office users. Google Drive is an online storage place on Google. In Google Drive, with normal accounts can store up to 15GB for free, for student and student accounts, the free storage space will be 30GB. However, most users said that only with a normal account, 15GB of memory is enough for the meeting to store everything you want.
Google cloud platform service allows users to use their own Google account to access and use. In the service that is ready to support users in Vietnamese interface, everything is under your own control.
- The safety of the data is guaranteed
When using Google’s cloud punching platform, you can be assured of the security and safety of the data. On Google’s cloud service, it is possible to automatically back up information during your work so you won’t need to worry about losing important information to you.
Google cloud platform always ensures data security
When you use Google’s cloud service, you do not need to be present directly at the location but can still handle the ongoing work. At the same time, that amount of work can be solved anytime you want quickly, efficiently and accurately.
Thanks to the Google cloud punching platform, productivity and efficiency are increased. At the same time, you can edit and manipulate directly on the cloud service platform, not download it to your computer so it saves a lot of time and effort.
What is the above information regarding the Google cloud platform? Should I use the Google cloud platform? Hopefully, with this information, you will understand more about this utility service of Google and apply it in the most effective way.